- Special Event at the ESA IC Point Makady |
ESA Instructor Examination in Germany |
Fair in Lisbon |
- ESA in Spain |
- ESA at the
Boot Show |
Courses in Ferrara - Italy |
- An amazing
experience! |
ESA Courses and
the European Standards (CEN) |
Instructor Evaluation in Germany |
Special Event at the ESA IC Point Makady
From 21st until 27th of September at Makadi Bay, Red Sea, the first international festival for poor sighted and blind divers is taking place, organised by the Sight Disability Association (ADV). Of the 16 blind participants, some have a vast experience as divers whereas others can enter into contact, for the first time, with the wonders that the coral reefs can offer giving unforgettable touch sensations to the poor sighted and blind diver. Apart from the said group of poor sighted divers there will also be an additional 10 divers made up of specially qualified dive buddies and dive guides, other guides will be arranged on location and headed by Barbara Alessi, becoming experts in the system of guiding blind or poor sighted divers (invented by ADV) and known as “rudder” or “timone”. The guides will be provided by the ESA IC Point “DIVING OCEAN”, who will take care of all the logistics and organisation.
The mascot for the expedition is called Pluto, the loyal companion of one of the participants; even though in Egypt the rules are not the same as in Italy where a blind person can enter in any public place with their guide dog, some objections have been overcome and Pluto will be able to carry out his role on the African Continent. So tomorrow he will board the plane with the other passengers and follow his trusted owner throughout the whole trip and be welcomed in honour at Hurgarda Airport, where a special arrival procedure has been prepared, allowing him to carry out his role as guide dog for his owner during this diving holiday.
“For 40 years, the ADV, has been dedicated in helping to enrich the field of mobility for poor sighted persons in all aspects of life, schooling, working, access to culture and information to non traditional sports, for example, recreational diving, downhill and cross country skiing. This festival, which is financed and deeply wanted by all involved, serves as an example to all in demonstrating how we can effectively react to improve the quality of life and experience for those with visual disabilities in Italy and the rest of the world.”
Avv. Giulio Nardone – President ADV, Hotel Prima Life, Makadi Bay -Tel. 0020 65 35 90 250 / 1,2,3,4,5.
divingocean.com |
Instructor Examination in Germany
During the weekend of 27 may 2006 it was carried out one more
ESA Examination in Germany, in the nice town of Königsbrunn (Munchen).
All the candidates was excellently trained by the ESA Course
Director Giovanni Casari and have well passed all the required
ESA IE tests and obtained the ESA Instructor Certification as
provided also by the European Standards EN 14413-2.
All the logistic was professionally provided by the new ESA IC
Point TSC-AKWA: comfortable classroom, complete equipment,
reserved swimming pool and open water dive site. |
TSC-AKWA is a very nice diving club-school and it was
established by a positive cooperation among Rupert Obster (Luigi)
already operating in the dive industry from several years,
Angelika Fritzsche-Wiesner (Bambi Instructor) and Kurt -Jürgen
The diving base is placed very near a very wonderful lake were
it is possible dive with a lot of fresh water fish, plants and
other organisms.
The TSC-AKWA team have already planned the ESA Instructor
standing education courses for the next weeks, for further
informations please go to www.tsc-akwa.de |
Fair in Lisbon
For the first time this year, in Lisbon, it was organised a fair
dedicated entirely to scuba diving.
ESA was present represented by the ESA Course Director Francisco
Mesquita. A great number of people were very curious about the
working system of ESA because until now it had only existed
three or four diving organisations. The conclusion of the fair
was lots of contacts for courses of all levels until
instructors. We would like to thank Divepoint Ecoalga, Porto
Covo, for their support during the fair. |
ESA in Spain
The initiatives of the ESA Team toward its
international growth-up are strongly continuing. The
last, but not the least, is the participation to the
"VII Saló de the Immersió" that has been kept from
the 23 to the 27 of February to Conellà (Barcelona -
The fair of Barcelona has been revealed particularly
interesting for the remarkable number of visitors
and the number of exhibitors.
Once again the collaboration between Gaddo Risso and
the ESA Team has facilitated numerous and positive
That's thanks to the elevated number of persons who
have visited the attractive stand of the ESA College
"Capo Galera" and the great job carried out by Cèsar
Gràcia Herrera that has facilitated a number of
positive relationship with the local scuba diving
professionals and the authorities.
The participation of the ESA Course Director
Giuseppe Spissu has played a decisive role in
planning the first ESA Instructors course in
Catalunya. |
The ESA educational system has been judged, simple, innovative
and very suitable for the "work in the field". Particular
appreciation to the fact that ESA is a scuba training agency
established in Europe and in the Mediterranean area. |
ESA at the Boot Show
To improve the
serviced provided to the german speaking ESA
Instructors and divers, the ESA Team has decided
to participate at one of the most popular dive
exhibition of the European Community: the
"Boot Show" in Düsseldorf (Germany). Also this year the
success of the Boot Show was very great with a
wide number of visitors and a wide volume of
meetings, agreements and business activities.
Thanks to the good
cooperation between ESA Team and Gaddo Risso
(Manager of the ESA College "Diving Center
Capo Galera"), we have been able to meet
people in a nice exhibition area, placed in a
central position of the hall n. 3, totally
dedicate to scuba diving activities.
have received a number of curious divers and
several scuba professionals interested about ESA
system, procedures and products. The ESA Professionals
have been able to meet the ESA Training Manager
and receive new informations and several
explanations about the EN certifications obtained
by ESA in the first months of 2005 with some
directives about the procedures that the ESA
Instructors have to respect and carry out every
time they are starting an ESA course.
During the meetings, ESA
Team has introduced some of the ESA innovationes
planned for the 2006 that they will be launch to
the Eudi Show 2006 (March 10 - 13 in Genoa
- Italy).
A positive experience
that have consolidated the relationship among ESA
and the ESA Professional, created new contacts
and collected interesting inputs useful to
increase ESA expansion in the north of Europe.
Good job for the ESA
Instructor Course Director (Instructor Trainer)
Giovanni Casari (Manager of the ESA IC Point
"Kykeion" in Geneva) that it has been
able to establish interesting relationships of
collaboration with German structures interested
to the planning of the courses for ESA
Instructors (ESA IC/QP).
ESA Courses in Ferrara - Italy
At the
Petrolchimicos CRAL of Ferrara
is born the ESA Scuba School. The
Petrolchimicos CRAL was
established 15 years ago to promote diving for
the certified people. The cooperation with ESA
due to the activities carried out by the ESA
Diveleader Instructor Giuseppe Gardenghi, has
transformed the diving dept. of the club in a
well addressed scuba school with six Assistant
The CRAL (operating
in Ferrara since 1954) with 2000 members
represent the most important
club of the city and the province. This means a
number of ESA scuba courses candidates and a
great success in divers training and
certification. Beyond the ESA Open Water
Diver course just finished some days ago, in
august will be organized one more ESA Open Water
Diver course and a ESA Advanced Diver Course. In
October it will possible to participate to the
ESA Prevention & Rescue Diver and ESA
Diveleader Courses.
Finally, in the spring of
2006 the ESA IC Director Giuseppe Spissu will
conduct the ESA Instructor Course.
The picture show teachers
and students during the certification party.
Many compliment from ESA
An amazing experience!
For the second
consecutive year the ESA Point Idra Diving,
located in Porto Pozzo (north of Sardinia
Italy), has hosted the students of the
Scuola Media Statale Massimo D'Azeglio di
Lucarno (Genova - Italy). The teachers of
the school, sea and diving enthusiastics, have
contaminated that enthusiasm to their
students. In fact, also this July, the students
have enjoyed the beauty of the scuba diving
thanks the participation to the ESA Easy Dive ed
ESA Smile Diver programs. The amazing scenarios
of the North Sardinian Sea Archipelago
(Arcipelago della Maddalena) and the
charismatic professionalism of the ESA
Instructors |
e Pietro (owners of the Idra Diving Dive Centre)
have set up a magic and unforgettable atmosphere.
ESA Team wish many
compliments and all the best to the staff of Idra
ESA Courses and the European Standards
Educational System has successfully passed the
required tests to obtain the certification
of conformity to the Recreational Scuba Diving
European Standards as sanctioned by the CEN
(European Committee For Standardization). |
standards were established after a long period of
studies and revisions carried out by a qualified
committee including delegation of scuba diving
agencies, consumer organizations and the
authorities of the European Governments. For this
reason the ESA certification cards will include a
writing reference to the specific European
Standard, in order to officially state the
certification level. Herewith the list of the
ESA courses that have obtained the certification:
ESA New Diver (EN 14153-1); ESA
Open Water Diver (EN 14153-2); ESA Diveleader (EN
14153-3); ESA Assistant Instructor (14413-1); ESA
Open Water Instructor (EN 14153-2). This certification is the
result of a rigorous evaluation procedures and
permit to the most popular scuba training
agencies to prove the complete conformity of
their courses to the European Rules.
A further confirmation of
internationalism, seriousness, professionalism
and quality of ESA System and its will to
support ESA Professionals and ESA Points.
ESA Instructor Evaluation in Germany
10 of October, in München, have taken place an
ESA Instructor Evaluation. There was already some
ESA Instructors, speaking German, that was
working in many scuba vacation sites around the
world and that was certifying a number of ESA
German speaking divers.
These are two of the reasons that
have pushed ESA Team to translate, as the first
one, the ESA Open Water Diver Manual in Germany.
Personal experience and
professionalism of the participant and the very
good job carried out by the ESA Professionals
Giovanni Casari and Uwe Ittner was the key
of the success of the ESA IE. Theory sections was
carried out at the scuba shop Blue
Dolphins Tauchsport. In water
activities was conducted in a amazing and quite
small like near München.
ESA Team want to thanks a lot Uwe
Ittner and Giovanni Casari for the special
cooperation and wish to the new ESA Instructor
the best success.
The ESA IC Point Acque
Limpide is one of the most experienced dive
centre in the Mediterranean Sea, the first and
famous in Catania. During the IE closing session, the
local divers Grandfather Gianfranco Sciuto
has given the ESA Instructor Certification to the
participants that have positively finished the
evaluation session.
ESA Team wish all the participant
the best season, rich in success!